The Edison Athletic Booster Board is excited to organize and coordinate Concessions for Edison Eagles’ home sporting events throughout the school year, but we need volunteers to help run the stands. If there are no volunteers for an event, concessions will not be opened.
Offering concessions is a great service to all spectators and an easy way to support Edison Athletics. It helps the game experience feel fuller for everyone, and being a volunteer is a fun way to meet fellow parents and students. Volunteering to work concessions shifts also helps raise money for the athletic team or activity group of your choice.
You don’t need any prior experience; we’ll show you what to do. Our goal is to have 100% of shifts filled. We can do it! When volunteering, please indicate which team/activity you would like to have supported by your volunteer hours (i.e.: Fall Sports, Winter Sports, Spring Sports, Grade Levels, ANGP, etc.). Shares of the income from Concessions will be distributed to teams’ accounts at the end of each season and these amounts are communicated to everyone at our Booster Board Meeting.
Welcome to our Concession Stand menu. Our selection of food and drinks may vary based on supply availability and the sports season.
On special occasions, additional food items such as Chick-fil-A sandwiches, Hamburgers, Walking Tacos, and Baked Potatoes are added to the menu.
Please check our social media for these announcements.