It is essential to organize fundraisers for Edison Athletics to provide vital support for sports programs and ensure that student-athletes have access to the resources they need. These fundraising efforts are aimed at covering the expenses associated with running the Athletic Program and supporting our Scholarship Program. Additionally, they play a significant role in fostering team spirit and encouraging community involvement.
Want to support the Edison Athletic Booster Club? Below are several meaningful fundraisers that support our work.
Selling Eagle Sports Passes is a major source of revenue for the Edison Athletic Boosters Club. The Eagle Sports Pass is our Booster Membership with the added benefit of getting free admission to all Edison Eagles regular season home games for the entire school year. Link: EAGLE SPORTS PASS
Partnering with local businesses offers financial support for the Edison Athletic Booster Club in exchange for advertising opportunities. We offer three sponsorship levels that include advertising on campus, announcements during Varsity home games, and visibility through our newsletter, social media, and website. Become a Booster Sponsor today! Link: SPONSORSHIP
If you’re not interested in purchasing an Eagle Sports Pass but still want to support the Edison Athletic Booster Club, you can make a tax-deductible donation. Additionally, if you have family and friends who live out of the area and would like to contribute, they are welcome to do so as well. Link: DONATE
The Edison Fall Craft Fair helps promote local artists, crafters, and vendors. The profits raised from renting spots to participating local vendor partners go toward supporting the Edison Athletic Boosters Club. Link: CRAFT FAIR
BINGO Night is an evening of FUN, FOOD, and lots of PRIZES. GAME WINNERS get to pick awesome-themed basket prizes donated by our athletic teams. Proceeds from BINGO Night benefit the Edison Athletic Booster Scholarship Fund and Edison Athletic Booster Club. Link: COMING SOON
We sell commemorative engraved bricks that are installed at Luther W. Fennell Field (at Edison Stadium). The bricks are a great way to honor our loved ones while supporting student-athletes. Link: BRICKS